Which Bone Marrow Registry Should I Join?

A bone marrow match registry gathers data on people who are willing and capable of donating stem cells and stores them in a system. Whenever a patient requires a transplant, the registry data is checked for suitable volunteers who fit the patient’s characteristics. The registry team then contacts the compatible donor and organizes for the transfer, which provides the patient with life-saving stem cells. Registrars offer support to patients, carers, and the community throughout this process.

Why should you sign up for the Bone Marrow Donor?

Patients with certain forms of leukemia or other deadly blood illnesses may benefit from stem cells transplantation. It’s possible that an individual’s marrow has ceased creating platelets or is generating cells that aren’t fully matured. Children with uncommon metabolic diseases may also require a donor.

A perfectly (genetically) related close relative is the best donor, however many patients are unable to find a family donor due to declining family numbers. If a compatible donor cannot be discovered within the individual’s family, transplant doctors turn to related registries to find a potential unrelated recipient.

What is the procedure for joining the stem cells registry?

Several questions regarding the health information will be asked during the enrollment process to verify if you match the minimum requirements.

If you qualify, you would be requested to scrape your cheeks to produce a DNA test. The DNA will be entered into the database in the hopes of being matched with a person. You will be called to volunteer once you have been linked with a person. You may not be approached for days, weeks, or even months before being asked to donate. 

You will be eligible to contribute if you have mild sensitivities to pets, the surroundings, or drugs, for example. Before joining the bone marrow Registry as a possible donor, you must be tested for life-threatening allergies to medicines or latex. Whether you have hypertension, you can enroll if the ailment is controlled by medicines or lifestyle, and there is no cardiac disease connected with it.

It is an easy process to donate your bone marrow

Joining the registration takes about ten minutes. You are committing to saving a person by signing the Registry. To participate, you will have to submit an application and give a sample to the testing lab.  Once you have signed up for the registration, you need to wait for a message. 

Donating bone marrow is considered similar to donating blood

A non-surgical, somewhat painless clinic technique termed Peripheral Blood Stem Cell transfer accounts for over 80 percent of stem cells transplants. Essentially, a device sucks blood through one hand, separates the cell it requires, and releases the rest of the plasma to the body via another arm. Throughout the treatment, you remain conscious.


Stem cells registries also fund research to enhance the knowledge so that more conditions can be cured with a transplant, lobby for laws and regulations to ensure that patients have access to healthcare, and offer clinical education to healthcare workers. By taking the initiative, you can save someone who needs your help.

Gift of Life Marrow Registry Also Offers Following Services :

Leukemia Bone Marrow Transplant

Blood Cancer Bone Marrow Transplant


Contact US:

Gift of Life Marrow Registry
Address: 800 Yamato Rd suite 101 Boca Raton, FL
Phone: (800) 962-7769